
URJ Rabbis' Letter to KKL-JNF Chair, Danny Atar Please add your signature to this letter by Monday afternoon, December 4, 2017, in time for the letter to be delivered to Mr. Atar at the URJ Biennial on December 6, 2017. *Only rabbis serving URJ congregations or institutions, or members of the CCAR, may sign. Thank you. ---------------------- December 6, 2017 Mr. Danny Atar, Chairman, KKL-JNF Board of Directors Jerusalem, Israel Dear Mr. Atar, We want to thank you for coming to speak to the Biennial Convention of the Union for Reform Judaism. As you are undoubtedly aware, the URJ represents the largest religious branch of American Jewry. Our Judaism is ethically demanding, morally scrupulous and passionate for justice. We take to heart the values of Israel's Declaration of Independence, the vision of the biblical prophets. We are also committed Zionists. In all of this, we believe that we share a great deal with you and your organization. We write to not only rem